
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.


Articles & Storytelling

Here you can find links to my articles and stories. 

Leave a little Sparkle - August 17th, 2021
About celebrating life and a little puppy that taught me to leave a little Sparkle wherever I go.

Storytelling - August 11th, 2021
About my journey to Storytelling. 

Pure Joy - July 21st, 2021
This story is about our wonderful dog Lasse. He came to live with us at the age of five and helped puppy Sparkel to feel more at ease. For us he really is pure joy to live with.

Inner Scars - November 3rd, 2020
This story tells you about inner (invisible) scars. No one can see those scars but you, and sometimes they can still hurt. Then they need you to take care of them and embrace them.
