
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.

'Living your Essence' Coaching 

The ‘Living your Essence’ Journey is an unfolding journey toward living the life you are meant to live. Your path will be shown by nature and through seeing images and pictures with each next step! It’s an inner journey that unfolds the essence of who you are, teaches you self-trust, and being comfortable with uncertainty and changes that happen in your life.

I know from my own inner explorations and my own experiences that this inner journey is so worthwhile .. finding your essence, finding your Sparkles, finding your true self .. to finally live the life you are meant to live. You will keep on learning, because that is life .. inviting and challenging us to keep learning about ourselves.

There is no roadmap for this Journey of personal growth. You’ll just go with what is and what emerges, and I’ll be your guide. 

Imagine you start this journey. Our starting point is where you are in life and we’ll just see in which direction we’re heading. Imagine yourself on the beach.. a blue sky, stormy weather, and a sea with magical waves. How Powerful.  What do you see? What do you experience inside yourself while being there? Where is your focus? Do you like the view or would you rather run from the intensity of what you feel? Nature is showing you so much and we only have to be quiet and listen, just listen.
We just don’t know what will be ahead of you when you start your inner journey. I just know that I have faith in what wants to be seen and what wants to be said during your journey.

I love to work with nature. Mother Nature shares so much with us and all we have to do is look and listen. I have created beautiful cards, the  Sparkles from the Soul, with images of nature and I love using them during your journey.

Is the ‘Living Your Essence’ Journey calling you?

Work with me

If you feel you are ready to go on a ‘Living your Essence’ Journey or if you would like to have more information, please contact me.

Monthly Sparkles that enlighten your day

In my Sparkles Newsletter I share the latest news about my journey with the Sparkles from the Soul with you. And, you'll also learn about my latest stories and new products in the Sparkles Collection.
Get a chance to receive a free Sparkles with Love fluffy toy. They can't wait to introduce themselves to you.  
Last but not least, as a subscriber to the Sparkles Newsletter, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your first order in the webshop. 

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