
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.

Living your Essence

The ‘Living your Essence’ Journey is my unique approach

It is an unfolding journey, and the path will be shown with each next step you take. Let your Sparkles show you the way!

We are all on a life journey and if you want to find your essence and your Sparkles you know you have to go on an inner journey as well. Wherever you are on your journey, there will always be that moment .. the moment that you recognize deep within because you feel the calling! Then you know it‘s time to dive deeper into yourself. 

Sometimes you will know your destination, only you don’t know yet how to get there. Or, you feel you need to create things and something inside you withholds you from doing so. I know that life itself invites us, even challenges us, to go on this inner journey. It is this journey that leads you to your Sparkles and to your Essence. 

The two pillars of the ‘Living your Essence’ Journey

The first pillar is the  'Living your Essence' Coaching with me being your guide. This journey is about looking with other eyes, the eyes of your heart.

The second pillar is the workshop  Intuitive 'Living your Essence' Writing. There is a magical place where you can be and just write. Just imagine being there and the energy flows as well as your words. 

Monthly Sparkles that enlighten your day

In my Sparkles Newsletter I share the latest news about my journey with the Sparkles from the Soul with you. And, you'll also learn about my latest stories and new products in the Sparkles Collection.
Get a chance to receive a free Sparkles with Love fluffy toy. They can't wait to introduce themselves to you.  
Last but not least, as a subscriber to the Sparkles Newsletter, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your first order in the webshop. 

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