
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.

Cards for the Soul

I love sending postcards to loved ones, dear friends and people whom I feel can have some heart-warming and loving words. So I often visited shops where I could buy postcards. One day I stood there and I only saw one or two postcards that I liked. 
That was the moment when I heard my inner Voice saying ‘you can create your own cards’. I really embrace those intuitive moments, and at the same time, I realized that I really could create my own cards.

So that’s when my journey to create the Cards for the Soul began.
My creator worked overtime
just scrolling through my photos
and seeing things in nature,
worthwhile taking a photo of.

It had to be a set of 4 cards
and a card with a collage.
Each set would have a theme.
Like this one ..
Wow .. I just love
the way it all just flows.
It started with listening
to my inner voice saying
it is time to create my own
Cards for the Soul.

I have taken so many photos during my walk with the dogs, first Diddl, then Sparkel and later on Lasse, or walking on my own on the beach or in nature.  Scrolling through my photos, I found out that I am my worst critic. I was looking with my mind instead of looking with the eyes of my heart. My head was looking for perfection. But when I looked with the eyes of my heart, I just knew which photo to use. I had to make my own inner journey with a lot of exploring, while creating these cards. So now I can truly say that I am so proud that the Cards for the Soul are part of the Sparkles Collection.

I love to send cards and I also love to receive them. So I designed the cards in a way that you can keep them for yourself or send the cards to others.

The Cards

Each set of cards has a theme and contains 4 cards with a collage card. You also receive 5 envelopes with the cards. You can keep the cards for yourself. Just pick a card and then see and feel what wants to be seen. You can also make a collectors item of it by buying all the different Cards for the Soul sets.

You can also send one of the cards to someone who really could benefit from receiving a card with a heart-warming message from you. Each set can also be a wonderful present

The Cards will be
available as of autumn 2024.
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In my Sparkles Newsletter I share the latest news about my journey with the Sparkles from the Soul with you. And, you'll also learn about my latest stories and new products in the Sparkles Collection.
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