
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.


The Sparkles from the Soul is about you, seeker of your true self, leaving a little Sparkle wherever you go. It is about you, finding your own Sparkles inside yourself.

Sparkles from the Soul

Sparkles from the Soul
they are so close to my heart
and my deepest wish for you
is to find your own Sparkles
and live them ..
Live the life you are meant to live

Where are you on your journey?
Are you happy
and enjoying life?
or are you at a point in your life
that you know that you need to do something?
that it is time to explore
and go to the depth of your Soul
Is it time to find your way on your inner journey?
to truly listen where you are
and wait for what wants to unfold
being curious,
curious about your own Sparkles

Your Sparkles matter
matter to you
they make you smile
and feeling warm inside
they make you feeling at home,
at home inside yourself
living your essence

It takes courage
and faith
faith in yourself
to go on this inner journey
where I can be your guide
to be there with you
when you take your steps on your path
finding your way on your inner journey

I know, from my own experience
that it is so worthwhile
my inner journey started more than 25 years ago
on a conscious level
and this journey doesn’t end
it just goes on and on
and I am happy it does
it is part of life
my life

It brought me here, to this point
where I share with you
The Sparkles from the Soul

Find your way to live your essence

Are you holding yourself back? Your true self and ideas don't see the sparkling daylight yet? Then I can help find your way to live your essence.

Coaching & intuitive writing
The  'Living your Essence'  Journey is about coaching to find your way to your essence and to your Sparkles, with me as your guide. It is also about the  Intuitive 'Living your Essence' Writing. This will be a workshop that I will offer in a few months time.

The Sparkles Collection
This is a magical range of products. I am a creator and a visual storyteller and through  The Sparkles Collection I tell you visual stories. Sometimes only with an image and sometimes I combine the images with the words. 
There is a beautiful box with 44 cards, called Sparkles from the Soul.
The  Story Cards are what they are: cards with a story that captures your heart and soul. 
The Cards for the Soul are created as a set of postcards. Each set has its own theme.

The Sparkles Collection will be available in the webshop as of autumn 2024.

Personal Growth through Visual Storytelling

Hi, I'm Marja Sas, creator and visual storyteller. You can find my Storytelling everywhere. It is the way I write about so many topics that just pop up, such as being in nature, listening to music, walking with our dog, seeing a photo or an image. It just happens and then I listen and write.

It also happens when I am on my way with my camera. It is as if Mother Nature tells me to look and to truly see the beauty of her. When I truly look from my heart I take the most magical photos. My photos tell a story and also here I listen. 

Going through challenging times in my life (and who hasn't), I learned to go deeper into myself with each challenge. It did felt as an invitation and I accepted it.
Everything that has happened in my life and all the challenges, have made me the woman I am today. During my own inner journey I found my love for photography and storytelling. It has always been there, just waiting for me to find it. I feel very grateful that I found my Sparkles just by using my photos and my stories.   

Visual storytelling is my way of sharing my inner wisdom with you. I hope it will inspire you to look for your own Sparkles.

Get a chance to receive a free fluffy toy

A very special project is  Sparkles with Love  In my spare time I love to crochet, making lots of fluffy toys. I call them Sparkles with Love. Made with love, I'd like to send them with love...for free. As of autumn 2024, I’ll give away one Sparkle each month.

Monthly Sparkles that enlighten your day

In my Sparkles Newsletter I share the latest news about my journey with the Sparkles from the Soul with you. And, you'll also learn about my latest stories and new products in the Sparkles Collection.
Get a chance to receive a free Sparkles with Love fluffy toy. They can't wait to introduce themselves to you.  
Last but not least, as a subscriber to the Sparkles Newsletter, you’ll receive a 10% discount on your first order in the webshop. 

