
Let your heart and soul be touched by your own Sparkles .. and live the life you are meant to live.

Leave a little Sparkle

by Marja Sas, August 17th, 2021

Today is a day to celebrate
Why today more than any other day
It’s simple
Today I celebrate life
Just a bit more
Than any other day

Today, 20 years ago
I was told that I was cancer free
And, today I still am
I am so grateful
So happy
To be alive
To be able to celebrate this day

During the past 20 years
I learned a lot
Especially about myself
And I had some help from a little friend
A friend named Sparkel
A little puppy

He taught me so much
And because of him
I connected with my own Sparkles
My own gems
My talents and gifts

So that today
On this special day
I’ll let myself be seen
As the creator and visual storyteller
That I am

So on this day,
This very special day
My Sparkles from the Soul
fly into the world
With their own website
Their own place in the world
Where everybody can see them
Read about them
Enjoy them
And, follow them

So on this day,
this very special day
I celebrate life
and really wish
that with My Sparkles from the Soul
I really leave a little Sparkle wherever I go!

